Dialog Semiconductor Acquires Atmel Corp.

On September 22, 2015, Dialog Semiconductor announced their acquisition of Atmel for $4.6 Billion. While the combined revenue of both companies is expected to be under $3.0 Billion (a relatively small sized company amongst the giants of the semiconductor world), the merger has larger implications for the growing Internet of Things (IoT) and “Maker” industries.

Dialog Semiconductor specializes in the world of mobile, and is best known for their work in mobile device power supplies. Atmel Corporation, on the other hand, has a portfolio that includes the chips driving devices like Arduino and the CREE Smart Lightbulb. 

While the financial aspects of this deal aren’t overwhelming, this is a acknowledgment by Dialog Semi of their commitment to the growing Internet of Things. Atmel’s microcontrollers are at the heart of many IoT projects and the San Jose-based tech company already has a strong (and growing) foothold in the Maker community. This acquisition effectively gives Dialog access to a new and growing market, and will let them get in on the ground floor of the IoT movement — a movement that research firm Gartner estimates will grow to $300 Billion in revenue by 2020. 

The deal is expected to close sometime in the first quarter of 2016, with Dialog expecting to pay down a significant portion of the acquired debt within three years.

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