Discovering the Versatility, Performance, and High Reliability of ITT Cannon's Trident Series

ITT Cannon’s Trident series is an extremely versatile range of connectors for multiple harsh environment industrial and transportation applications.

The series ranges from shielded circular metal connectors to rectangular plastic connectors. What ties them all together is the contact system, meaning you can use the same contacts in all Trident connectors. These Trident T2P and T3P contacts are widely recognized as ultra-secure and highly reliable.

Trident Ringlock (TR)

The Ringlock range of robust circular connectors for industrial applications use a metal bayonet coupling system for quick and reliable connections and thermoplastic bodies for low installed cost. The connectors are available in several sizes ranging from 4 to 48 circuits. With the addition of a cable clamp, they can be water sealed to meet IP65.


Trident Neptune (TN)

Neptune is a range of circular connectors specifically designed for harsh environment applications. They come with membrane wire seals that meet the requirements for IP67 and do not require blanking plugs for unused cavities. They will accept various combinations of signal (13 A) and power (30 A) contacts and feature stainless steel bayonet pins integrally molded into the bodies.


Trident Snap Together Rectangular (TST)

Trident Snap Together Rectangular are low installed cost connectors rated for up to 13 A and 250 V AC. They are typically used for circuit board and internal wiring applications. Snap Together connectors facilitate easy assembly and removal of equipment such as motors, fans, transformers, etc.




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