Finding the Right High-Pressure Sensor for Your Application

Learn more about finding the right combination of pressure sensor features in this informative white paper from Bourns®.

As the demand grows for improved switch functionality, greater system efficiency, and smarter, more sensitive operational controls for mechanical applications, developers are looking for more advanced component solutions. Sophisticated sensor technology—found in the Bourns Model BPS130 family of pressure sensors—offers a solution to these demands.

To select the right pressure sensor, consider how the performance, reliability, and longevity of a sensor will be affected by conditions such as dust, chemicals, shock and vibration, and severe temperatures. To begin selecting the right sensor, determine the application requirements. As a critical point of real-time data, it’s essential to look for the sensor’s ability to achieve self-diagnostics, network compatibility, small design size, and integrated signal channeling. More complex applications can also require sourcing pressure sensors that have the right combination of harsh media compatibility and a wide temperature operating and high-pressure range— all within a single small form factor. Another important consideration is the sensor’s construction. Sensors with adhesive-free die attach mounting are capable of performing within high-pressure, high-temperature ranges. They can also be combined with backside pressure measurement where only the measured media touches the backside of the measurement element.

Learn details about finding the right combination of pressure sensor features and get a closer look at the Bourns Model BPS130 family of pressure sensors, in this informative white paper from Bourns.

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