How to meet the growing demand for autonomous driving technology with Samsung MLCCs

Samsung Electro-Mechanics has developed two types of automotive MLCCs that go in the Advanced Drive Assist System (ADAS), an essential safe driving system for autonomous vehicles. The Multi-Layer Ceramic Capacitor (MLCC) is a core component in electronic devices that controls the stable flow of current within the circuits of electronic products and is essential for smartphones, home appliances, and automobiles.

Small-size, ultra-high-capacity MLCCs for ADAS

Advanced Drive Assist Systems (ADAS) refer to the technologies that control mechanical devices by recognizing and judging situations within an autonomous driving experience, including Lane Keeping Assist System (LKAS), Surround View Monitor (SVM), and Smart Cruise Control (SCC). With the advancement of vehicle functions, the number of high-performance semiconductors and components mounted inside the vehicle is gradually increasing. Autonomous vehicles require reliable energy (power) supply and signal noise removal for various chips to receive signals quickly. Small-size and high-capacity MLCCs are the perfect solution due to the lack of mounting space with the increasing number of components.

Samsung Electro-Mechanics’ MLCCs offer two products with small footprints and high capacity:

  • The 0603-size MLCC is 0.6mm wide x 0.3mm long and has a capacity of 100nF (nanofarad).
  • The 3216-size MLCC is 3.2mm wide x 1.6mm long and offers a capacity of 47μF (microfarad).

※ 1μ (micro) = 1000n (nano)

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An ultra-high-capacity MLCC that supplies power reliably

The 0603 MLCC achieved the same 100nF (nanofarad) capacity as the previous 1005 product while reducing the surface area by 64%. This product is mounted on the signal end of a vehicle's electronic control unit (ECU) to eliminate surrounding signal noise and deliver signals accurately.

To prevent vibration damage and increase product reliability, the bending strength of the latest MLCCs is twice as strong. Both products meet the AEC-Q200 qualifications for use in ADAS and other applications such as body, chassis, and infotainment.

To keep up with the advanced ADAS features, automotive semiconductors are now able to process even more data, faster— and high-performance chips require high power consumption to operate. With 47μF, the 3216 MLCC has more than double the capacity of a 22μF product, to reliably supply power to advanced automotive semiconductors. Samsung Electro-Mechanics achieved the industry's highest capacity among products of the same size by miniaturizing dielectric ceramic powder, a core material of MLCC, to a nano level as well as using an ultra-precise lamination method.

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The durability was also improved by increasing the rated supply voltage (the maximum voltage that can be supplied without causing damage) by 1.5 times (4V → 6.3V) compared to the existing product while maintaining an ultra-high capacity of 47μF.

MLCC demand increases 20% annually due to advanced ADAS features

“The demand for compact, high-capacity and highly reliable MLCCs is increasing significantly with vehicles going electric,” said Dooyoung Kim, Executive Vice President of the Component Solution Unit at Samsung Electro-Mechanics. “Samsung Electro-Mechanics will strengthen its technological competitiveness by developing and manufacturing core raw materials for MLCCs and expand the market share in automotive MLCCs by internalizing facilities and increasing production capacity."

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Explore how Samsung Electro-Mechanics is reinforcing its lineup of high-value-added electronic products with high-temperature, high-voltage, and high-reliability characteristics, based on its technological edge in the ultra-compact and ultra-high-capacity MLCC sector.

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Any specific questions?
If you're not sure which Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors (MLCC) are right for you, or have a specific order request, feel free to contact us at Arrow.


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