Indoor Farming’s Profitability Can be Improved with Wireless Sensing & Control Kit

Concerns about global population growth, sustainability, and ecologically friendly farming are encouraging growers to adopt innovative technologies to improve overall efficiency. One of the more exciting of these innovations builds upon the Internet of Things (IoT) to enable remote, wireless, real-time sensing, monitoring, and control of indoor farming operations and conditions such as LED lighting, temperature, soil pH and moisture levels, and humidity.

However, these are complex functions and end users often struggle to combine sensors, actuators, wireless communications, LED lighting and control and mobile applications to gather the right data, analyze it quickly, generate the appropriate response, and act upon it. Even those who are technologically proficient to implement a system find that existing product offerings make it challenging to deploy a scalable, low-power, reliable system, cost effectively and securely.

This article describes a one-stop, end-to-end solution to these problems in the form of the Grow House Evaluation Kit. Developed by Arrow Electronics and eInfochips in combination with Analog Devices, the starter kit combines best-of-the-best technologies, including signal conditioning, converter, and power management technology from Analog Devices, as well as wireless connectivity, pH and moisture sensors, LED lighting and dimming control as a sample actuator, and remote accessibility through a cloud-based dashboard - available on Android and iOS applications.

Sign-up to be notified when the kit is available for purchase.


Related Content:

- How Vertical Farming Operations Thrive with Digital Transformation
- Discover the Growhouse Evaluation Kit from Arrow



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