LT8336: 40V, 2.5A, Low IQ Synchronous Step-Up Silent Switcher

The LT8336 is a low IQ, synchronous step-up DC/DC converter. It features Silent Switcher architecture and optional spread spectrum frequency modulation to minimize EMI emissions while delivering high efficiencies at high switching frequencies.

Key Features and Benefits

Pass-Thru mode minimizes Vin-to-Vout voltage drop to improve efficiency, while maintaining ultra-low quiescent current (IQ). 
Low EMI Silent Switcher® architecture with spread spectrum meets CISPR25 conducted and radiated emissions standard.
3MHz switching frequency reduces component size.


Automotive: Pre-Boost and PassThru™ capabilities for automotive cold crank 
General Purpose: Ins 3D Printers, Military Radar, SCADA,
Industrial Automation: Process Controls, Bar Code Readers, Vibrometers, Irrigation controller, Satellite Buoys
Healthcare: Medical/X-ray imaging

Evaluation Board

The LT8336 can be evaluated with the DC2505A.

Block Diagrams and Tables




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