LTC2662: Five-Channel, 300mA Current-Source-Output 16-/12-Bit SoftSpan DACs

The LTC2662 is a family of five-channel, 16-/12-bit current-source digital-to-analog converters, providing five high-compliance current source outputs with guaranteed 1V dropout at 200mA. The part supports load voltages of up to 32V.

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There are eight current ranges, programmable per channel, with full-scale outputs of up to 300mA; and the channels can be paralleled to allow for ultrafine adjustments of large currents, or for combined outputs of up to 1.5A. A dedicated supply pin is provided for every output channel. Each can be operated from 2.85V to 33V, and internal switches allow any output to be pulled to the optional negative supply. The LTC2662 includes a precision integrated 1.25V reference (10ppm/°C maximum), with the option to use an external reference. The SPI/Microwire-compatible 3-wire serial interface operates on logic levels as low as 1.71V at clock rates up to 50MHz.

Features and Benefits:

- Per-Channel Programmable Output Ranges: 300mA, 200mA, 100mA, 50mA, 25mA, 12.5mA, 6.25mA and 3.125mA
- Flexible 2.85V to 33V Supply Voltage
- 1V Dropout Guaranteed
- Separate Voltage Supply per Output Channel
- Internal Switches to Optional Negative Supply
- Full 16-/12-Bit Resolution at All Ranges
- Guaranteed Operation –40°C to 125°C
- Precision (10ppm/°C Max) Internal Reference or External Reference Input
- Analog Mux Monitors Voltages and Currents
- A/B Toggle via SPI or Dedicated Pin
- 1.8V to 5V SPI Serial Interfac
- 5mm × 5mm 32-Lead QFN Package


- Tunable Lasers
- Semiconductor Optical Amplifi
- Resistive Heaters
- Current Mode Biasing
- Proportional Solenoid Drive

Product Lifecycle: Recommended for new designs. This product has been released to the market. The data sheet contains all final specifications and operating conditions. For new designs, ADI recommends utilization of these products.

Evaluation Kit



LTC2662 5-Channel, 16-/12-Bit, 300mA, SoftSpan Current Source DACs



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