Arrow Maker Faire Booth Details

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The time is nigh -- Maker Faire Bay Area 2016 is May 20-22.

We already announced our presence at the event as a Goldsmith sponsor as well as our #MakeWithArrow Swag Bag Giveaway (p.s. don't forget to enter) -- now it's time to get down to the nitty gritty about what's going to be going on in our booth. 

We understand that not everyone can make it to the Bay Area, but worry not -- we've created information about all the goings-on at our booth and will (of course) be documenting heavily during our trip out to the "City by the Bay." But without further ado, let's go inside the Arrow Maker Faire Booth.

Arrow Light Bright Installation

We all remember "Lite Brites" from our youth. But we've taken the standard plastic enclosure and light bulb and upped the game. Our gigantic light brights use custom designed PCBs, multi-colored LEDs, 3D printed light diffusers, and a ton copper tape to create a light bright experience like you've never seen before. Check out the details page to learn more about this one-of-a-kind installation.

LEGO Wizardry with Arthur Sacek


Arthur Sacek is the brains behind the now-famous Arrow LEGO airplane launcher -- which aired during this year's Super Bowl. Arthur will be at our booth, not only showing off the airplane launcher itself, but with a brand new invention -- the LEGO Dot Milling Machine. Check out the concept art above or click here to learn more. 

Bristlebot Building Station

You want hands-on? We've got hands-on. Bristlebots are the fun, zany vibrating bots that any one can make. Come by our booth to try your hand at building your own and leave Maker Faire with a memento you'll be proud to show off. If you can't make it by the booth, we've got detailed instructions for building your own at home.

DJ Set-Set

Seth Adcock -- a.k.a. Set-Set -- is a maker enthusiast and STEM instructor who also happens to be an outstanding DJ. Set-set will be live in our booth, spinning tunes and giving out all the positive vibes to power you through Maker Faire! Learn more about Set-Set and his presence at our booth here


0516 Maker Faire Photobooth

Want to commemorate your Maker Faire experience? Stop by the Arrow booth and get your photo taken with your friends! Will, Arrow product photographer, will be there manning our photobooth, equipped with zany props and lots of fun. We'll email you your photos so you can share them on your social accounts, print them out, put them on your fridge -- whatever your heart desires. 

LulzBot 3D Printers

Colorado-based LulzBot is one of the best in the biz in the world of 3D printers. They recently announced their TAZ 6 printer, the latest evolution in their outstanding line of open source printers. Maker Faire will be your first chance to see one in action, and we'll have a live demo going on in our booth. If you can't wait that long, check out our unboxing video above!

Poison Arrow BattleBot

If you hadn't heard, we recently sponsored an incredible BattleBot -- the aptly named Poison Arrow. Filming is over for the show (which will air at the end of June on ABC), but we'll have Poison Arrow in our booth. Come check out for yourself what a 250-lb BattleBot looks like! 

...and more! Seriously, those are just the highlights. But we'll have some other fun stuff going on in our booth, as well as a huge announcement dropping at the start of Maker Faire. We hope you can join us, but if not, check out the details on the projects above and stay tuned post-Faire to see more from our trip to the West Coast. 

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