MAX16712: Dual-Output, 6A, 2 MHz, 2.7V to 16V Step-Down Switching Regulator

This device integrates multiple protections including positive and negative overcurrent protection, output overvoltage protection, and overtemperature protection to ensure a robust design. The switching frequency of the device can be configured from 500 kHz to 2.0 MHz and provides the capability of optimizing the design in terms of solution size and performance.

  •  Key Features and Benefits
  • •  Design flexibility for single or dual output, resulting in lower total BOM cost
  • •  Operating input voltage range from 2.7V to 16V
  • •  Wide switching frequency range of 500 kHz up to 2 MHz

  •  Applications
  • •  General Purpose
  • •  Communications: Data Centers

  •  Evaluation Board
  •  The MAX16712 can be evaluated with the MAX16712EVKIT.

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