MAX38912: 11 µVRMS Low-Noise, 500 mA LDO Linear Regulators with Low-Power Mode

It has a wide input and output voltage range to support multiple types of batteries and a broad range of applications. For battery-operated devices, the low-power mode can be used when the device is idle, consuming only 19.2 µA quiescent current and sourcing up to 20 mA.

  •  Key Features and Benefits
  • •  Low-Power Mode: consumes only 19.2 µA quiescent current and extends battery life
  • •  Flexibility in design: adjustable output voltage and can support multiple types of batteries
  • •  Reduces noise and improves accuracy: 11 µV noise, high PSRR of 70 dB at 10 kHz, and ±1% output accuracy
  • •  Minimize power dissipation: 24.3 mV very low dropout voltage

  •  Applications
  • •  Healthcare
  • •  Instrumentation and Measurement
  • •  Consumer

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