Three Reasons Why Your Design Needs PowerLife Wireless Power Coils

With wireless capabilities becoming widely available in cars, furniture, medical devices and more, forecasts show that the wireless power market will grow to be a nearly $15-billion-a-year industry by 2024. In order for OEMs to capture their share of this emerging market, they need cutting-edge designs that meet consumers’ wireless demands and expectations. In response, Molex has developed PowerLife Wireless Power Coils to overcome some of the toughest design challenges. Check out these top reasons for using PowerLife Coils in your next design:

1. The marketplace is demanding increasingly thinner and lighter-weight smartphones, tablets, and wearables without sacrificing performance.

PowerLife Standard and Custom Wireless Power Coils offers compactness along with the highest transfer efficiency (Q factor) of any etched wireless charging solution. As a result, designers will be able to meet demands for small devices while delivering faster charging compared to other etched designs.


2. In-vehicle, industrial and medical applications require wireless power coils that offer longevity and robustness.

Wireless power antennas with wire-wound coils have dominated the marketplace so far, but they require wide electrical tolerances and have a relatively short lifespan due to secondary connections and susceptibility to heat, vibration, and shock. This makes them less than reliable in challenging environments.

On the other hand, the etched circuitry in PowerLife Wireless Coils withstands high vibration, heat, and humidity while offering improved tolerances and longer life when compared to wire-wound coils. This kind of robustness makes PowerLife Wireless Coils ideal for the automotive and medical industries and industrial environments.

3. Wireless compatibility across multiple frequencies and charging systems delivers an optimal end-user experience, future proofs designs and lowers total charging system cost.

PowerLife Wireless Coils are produced on PCBs or Copper Flex and can accommodate multi-mode charging solutions, including NFC functionality. This is something neither wire wound nor Litz wire charging coils can achieve. Also, a PowerLife Wireless Coil offers low-frequency inductive and high-frequency resonant charging compatibility that is easily integrated on the same PCB or Copper Flex that is used in the charging system and device electronics,  reducing component count and lowering costs.

To learn more about the PowerLife Standard and Custom Wireless Power Coils, download the datasheet on

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