Wireless Charging Devices
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Three Reasons Why Your Design Needs PowerLife Wireless Power Coils
With wireless capabilities becoming widely available in cars, furniture, medical devices and more, forecasts show that the wireless power market will grow to be a nearly $15-billion-a-year industry by 2024. In order for OEMs to capture their share of this emerging market, they need cutting-edge designs that meet consumers’ wireless demands and expectations. In response, Molex has developed PowerLife Wireless Power Coils to overcome some of the toughest design challenges.
Resonant Wireless Power Transfer Cable is no Longer a Constraint
Wireless setting for portable devices has become increasing popular. While data transmission of portable devices has turned wireless, power charging still relies on power cable for connection. Wireless charging will be a vital step for making portable devices completely wireless for users. Resonant wireless power transfer will be presented to you to make portable completely wireless in all settings.