New Wireless Charging Coil from TDK

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As wireless charging continues to sweep the mobile electronics industry, countless optimizations within the transmitter realm are being made to allow faster charging, cheaper BOM costs, and smaller footprints. The WR505090 Series from TDK sets out to satisfy all of those design demands.

This Wireless Charging Transmitting Coil from TDK is perfect for any design that requires a thin, flat, circular coil, even if you want to make your own DIY wireless charger.  Standing at a maximum height of less than 3.5mm, this charging coil is ideal for low profile charges such as desktop phone chargers.  At a test frequency of 100 kHz, the inductance of this coil is 6.3uH and has a Maximum DC resistance of 0.06 Ohms.   The diameter of the charging coil is 51.4mm with a 1mm tolerance in both directions and has solder-coated 2mm radial leads with an 8mm pitch.

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