Popular IoT articles & videos

Our engineers have created a wide range of IoT overviews and tutorials to inform and educate engineers and entrepreneurs about the IoT ecosystem. Find helpful product highlights, see how certain products found in IoT applications compare to each other, and learn about innovative IoT applications.

MEMS overview: MEMS devices & uses in IoT

Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) technology uses semiconductor fabrication processes to produce miniaturized mechanical and electro-mechanical elements that range in size from less than one micrometer to several millimeters. MEMS devices can vary from relatively simple structures with no moving elements, to complex electromechanical systems with multiple moving elements.


IoT operating systems

The Internet of Things (IoT) is considered the next revolution in technology circles these days. With sky-high expectations on the value that a connected world of sensors, devices, and cloud infrastructures can bring, device manufacturers are rushing to offer ever more novel ways to connect devices and harness data to drive insights.


Provide adequate power supply for IoT smart devices

The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the hottest technological applications at present. But many Internet of Things smart devices often face the problem that power consumption is too fast, resulting in the shutdown of the smart device, and you have to go replace the batteries. This article will introduce you to two solutions that can provide adequate power for smart devices for the Internet of Things, and provide you with more options.


IoT heart attack detection & cancer prevention technology

To say that the Internet of Things (IoT) is changing the healthcare landscape is more than an understatement. When diagnosis can be achieved early and accurately, lives are saved. Through the use of smart phones and small sensor-based wearable technology, user symptoms can be monitored, analyzed and diagnosed easily and fast. Just looking at two health conditions —cardiovascular disease and breast cancer, it’s easy to see how wearables are rapidly changing diagnosis.


IoT in action virtual bootcamp

Join Microsoft’s 3rd Annual IoT In Action virtual bootcamp! Engineers, architects and practice managers will learn to challenge existing thinking and get ready with the most comprehensive IoT ecosystem by immersing yourself in this FREE 2-day training.You will receive guidance and support delivered in a simplified common language across all of IoT to help jumpstart your digital transformation enabling you to focus on innovation and business value of your IoT solutions.


IoT in action - The AI camera by eInfochips™ webinar

This webinar covers the AI Camera by eInfochips™, a Microsoft Azure IoT starter kit that works with the Azure Machine Learning service to enable you to build, train and deploy AI models to the intelligent edge. This project is a collaboration between Microsoft and Qualcomm and is supported by eInfochips, an Arrow company.


The challenges of IoT security and how to harden the edge

Security has quickly become a key concern in the world of the IoT. While digital transformation has made clear to organizations the value of data, there are also high risks surrounding the potential misuse of data. This misuse highlighting the absolute necessity for strong cyber security. IoT technologies introduce numerous attack surfaces that hackers can exploit to steal data or launch other exploits. Going forward, more and more companies will be affected: Gartner predicts that over half of major new business processes and systems will incorporate some element of the IoT by 2020.


Top 6 IoT products from Analog Devices

IoT has been the focal point across nearly every industry for over a decade – and for a good reason. The Internet of Things is fundamentally changing the way that new and legacy industries are doing business just as much as it is changing the way that we live our day-to-day lives. IoT, in almost every definition of the word, is absolutely here to stay will only keep growing and evolving. Analog Devices makes some of the industry’s leading components for designing your IoT solution. This article will highlight some of the distinct areas of technology focusing on the IoT products coming from Analog Devices, as well as make related product recommendations.


The future of energy harvesting IoT applications

Energy harvesting offers significant advantages to the development and improvement of the Internet of Things. It is a critical component for creating an enhanced class of autonomous and mobile applications that can operate for much longer periods of time without the need for battery charges. It also drives cost savings by significantly delaying battery replacement, which often costs more than the battery itself. And energy harvesting is a key element in bringing intelligence to the edge and the IoT to a world of new places and applications. Analog Devices can help entrepreneurs with energy harvesting solutions through the Arrow Certification Program.


Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) technology development trends

With the integration of the Mesh and Beacon application technologies, the application of BLE technology is promising. Learn more about how the MBN52832 Bluetooth® low energy module by Murata can offer an energy-efficient option for your IoT products.


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Charting the Future of IIoT

Antenna Design Critical for Successful IOT Device System Performance

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LoRa Technology Brings New Breakthrough to IoT Applications of LPWAN

Cloud IoT Core Authentication Use Case Using CryptoAuthentication™ Device ATECC608A

MAX1000: A Feature-Rich Maker Board for Dynamic IoT Solutions

How to Setup a Mesh Network with the Particle Boron IoT Development Kit

Embrace AIoT and Accelerate to the Future

IoT Location-Based Monitoring for Roambee

5 Use Cases for IoT Monitoring You Can Leverage Today

RF Connectivity Provides a Foundation for IoT Expansion

Smart Homes in the Age of IoT Infographic

Combination of Industrial Automation and IoT makes Industry 4.0 a Reality

802.11 Evolution into the IoT Revolution

How Murata’s Powerful Wi-Fi Module Powers the Quicksilver IoT Dev Board

Develop IoT Applications with the PSoC® 6 BLE Pioneer Kit

Understanding Variable and Function Primitives with Particle IoT Development

Guide to Wireless Connectivity Options for the Internet of Things (IoT)

STM32 & IoT Security: Cyber and Biometric Seminar

Arrow: The 5 Pillars of IoT

Challenges and Opportunities of Industrial IoT Technology

Laird’s IoT Wireless Module Solutions

Connect and Control IoT Applications

Infineon New Product Introduction – March 2019 – XMC4800 IoT Amazon FreeRTOS Connectivity Kit WiFi with EtherCAT® Kit

Microsoft IoT Virtual Bootcamp A Brief Journey from Device to Action

Quicksilver IoT Development Kit: Bringing Connected Projects to Life

OPTIGA™ Trust X Premium Security for Your IoT Device

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A Boost in IoT Security with ARM TrustZone SoC Technology

AVX and IoT Devices

Arrow Quadro IoT Wi-Fi Kit Powered by Cypress

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