New RF transceivers from Analog Devices bring big benefits to military and defense applications

Like civilian consumers, military personnel also desire communications equipment that is more compact, more powerful, and easier to use. In this article, learn how the ADRV9002 RFIC from Analog Devices enables the creation of military and defense solutions with radically smaller form factors than ever before.

The ADRV9002 RF Agile SDR Transceiver provides numerous benefits to modern users, including:

Improved RF Fidelity
Linearity of the ADRV9002’s RF receiver front end has been substantially improved, delivering a typical noise figure of 12 dB simultaneously with a typical Input IP3 (IIP3) of > +20 dBm. With an off-chip low noise amplifier (LNA), it is possible to achieve a broadband noise figure under 8 dB while maintaining an IIP3 of > +15 dBm.

Extended RF Tuning Range
Widest RF tuning range of any ADI wideband RF transceiver, from 30 MHz all the way up to 6 GHz.

Multiple Independently Tunable RF Receivers (or Transmitters)
Offered as a 2x2 MIMO-capable RF transceiver with two RF receivers + two RF transmitters and two independently tunable LO sources to support frequency division duplexed (FDD) operation.

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