Next-gen software-defined radio transceiver delivers big advances in frequency hopping

The modern wireless landscape is extremely complex, with many devices trying to achieve clear, secure connections with others across numerous frequencies. In this article, learn how the ADRV9002 SDR transceiver enables the high-level concept of frequency hopping (FH), leading to intelligent, dependable communications.

The ADRV9002 is designed with 4 major frequency hopping features:

  • 1.  Very fast FH with two PLL muxing and fast PLL retuning
  •  a. Achieved by retuning the PLL before switching to a different frequency

  • 2.  Static and dynamic table load for up to 128 different frequency entries

  • 3.  Channel diversity vs. channel multiplexing using dual channels
  •  a. ADRV9002 supports dual transmit and receive channels, and FH can be applied on both to achieve either channel diversity or channel multiplexing

  • 4.  Support of frequency hopping with DPD operation
  •  a. ADRV9002 supports DPD operation for both narrow-band and wideband applications by correcting the nonlinearity of the power amplifier (PA) to significantly improve PA efficiency

Frequency hopping is one of the advanced system features provided by the next-generation ADRV9002. With two PLLs, multiple FH modes, and flexibility in loading and indexing hop tables, the ADRV9002 empowers users with great FH capabilities to handle various applications and achieve advanced system requirements. All features can be thoroughly evaluated through the ADRV9002 TES and Software Development Kit (SDK).


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