OMRON G9KB Power Relay for Renewable Energy Systems

The G9KB is a PCB power relay that provides bi-directional high-power DC switching for the next generation of home renewable energy systems and electric vehicles.

The G9KB is part of OMRON’s response to the next stage of the renewable energy market, which will need reliable and safe switching between charging and discharging power from storage devices.  


The G9KB (DC 600V/50A) features OMRON’s arc cut off technology (CAE) that ‘stretches’ the arc using the magnetic force of a permanent magnet placed near the contact point. This makes the relay ideal for application within a power conditioner and domestic-scale renewable energy systems; for example, where electricity from solar panels is being used to charge an electric vehicle.

Also, it is suitable for next generation vehicle to home (V2H) and vehicle to grid (V2G) charger systems.


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