PSoC® 6 MCU Portfolio Introduction

“Watch our PSoC 101 video series. This series of video tutorials demonstrates how to use the Cypress PSoC® 6 family and associated development kits. Each lesson teaches you how to use a specific feature of the device. The videos start with fundamental skills and then delve into more complex concepts.”

a. Lesson 1-1: Introduction - PSoC 6 bridges the gap between expensive, power hungry application processors and low performance microcontrollers (MCUs). The ultra low power PSoC 6 MCU architecture offers the processing performance needed by IoT devices, eliminating the tradeoffs between power and performance. The PSoC 6 MCU contains a dual core architecture, with both cores on a single chip. It has an Arm® Cortex® M4 for high performance tasks, and an Arm® Cortex® M0+ for low-power tasks, and with security built-in, your IoT system is protected.



b. Lesson 1-2: PSoC Creator IDE - This video introduces the PSoC Creator Integrated Design Environment (IDE). It covers how to start a new project, select your target device, draw your schematic using components, write code, and build and program your project.



c. Lesson 1-3: Hello World - This video shows the viewer how to design a Hello World blinky LED project using PSoC Creator. Using the peripherals of PSoC 6, the viewer will be trained on how to blink an LED with a dual-core twist.



d. Lesson 1-4: FreeRTOS - This training video shows users how to implement an RTOS in PSoC 6, the FreeRTOS. This video will show you how to implement a Hello World blinky LED using the FreeRTOS environment.




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