Sensirion SCD4x CO2 sensor: An introduction

The topic of indoor air quality has become increasingly important over the past few years, and recent innovations have made it much easier to continually monitor the air in our homes and offices. In these videos, get details about Sensirion SCD4x CO2 sensing technology, including demonstrations of both the sensor itself and the associated evaluation kit.

The SCD4x is Sensirion’s next-generation miniature CO2 sensor, using accurate photoacoustic sensing principles to deliver dependable measurement results. Its combination of small footprint, large supply voltage range, and cost-effectiveness means that it offers designers an unmatched price-to-performance ratio for a quality CO2 sensor.

SCD4x: Short Introduction

In the following video, get an overview of typical considerations surrounding indoor air quality and the importance of monitoring it. Also, learn how the Sensirion SCD4x C02 sensor sets itself apart as a preferred sensor for modern applications.

SCD4x Demonstration

Watch this video to get a more in-depth look at the Sensirion SCD4x, including kit contents and a brief demonstration.

SCD4x Evaluation Kit: Introduction

The Sensirion SCD4x evaluation kit allows for the easy prototyping and development of circuits using this revolutionary CO2 sensor. In this video, get acquainted with what’s in the kit, plus learn how to get started with connecting a SCD4x to a computer, embedded platform, or prototyping environment.

SCD4x Evaluation Kit: ControlCenter Tutorial

The key to fully utilizing a CO2 sensor as user-friendly and powerful as the Sensirion SCD4x is to develop its capabilities using intuitive software. Watch this video to learn how Sensirion’s Control Center software helps you make the development process more streamlined.

CO2 Sensing for Better Indoor Air Quality with the SCD4x

Find out how the Sensirion SCD4x can play an integral part in the monitoring and control of your indoor air quality. Watch this video for an overview.

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