Stepper Motor Expansion for STM32 Nucleo: STMicroelectronics X-NUCLEO-IHM14A1

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STMicroelectronics offers one of the broadest product portfolios for Internet of Things and smart driving applications, and has now expanded their portfolio even more with their new X-NUCLEO-IHM14A1. The X-NUCLEO-IHM14A1 is a stepper motor driver expansion board based around the STMicroelectronics STSPIN820 monolithic motor controller, and designed to partner with their quick-prototyping microcontroller board, the STM32 Nucleo MCU. The X-NUCLEO-IHM14A1 provides an easy-to-use solution for incorporating motor control into your design that is both affordable and effective.


The STMicroelectronics X-NUCLEO-IHM14A1 is capable of high-precision motor operations, thanks to the STSPIN820 controller. The chip controls a PWM current and an adjustable OFF time to provide a microstepping resolution up to the 256th step. This makes the X-NUCLEO-IHM14A1 ideal for precision applications like security cameras, robotics and 2D/3D printers. For any application, the expansion board provides full-circuit protections, including overcurrent, under-voltage, short-circuit and thermal protections.

Not only is the X-NUCLEO-IHM14A1 designed for use with STMicroelectronics’ STM32 Nucleo board, but is compatible with the premier prototyping board, the Arduino Uno. For integrating precise, easy-to-use motor controls to your system, try the X-NUCLEO-IHM14A1! 

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