The Features and Benefits of the Microchip Technology MIC45205

Explore the features and benefits of the Microchip Technology MIC45205 synchronous step-down regulator module.

Microchip’s MIC45205 is a synchronous step-down regulator module designed for applications such as servers, routers, networking and base stations, industrial and medical equipment, high-power density point-of-load conversion, DSP and low-voltage ASIC power supplies, and FPGAs. The MIC452505 offers high efficiency at low voltage and a simplified design and layout process to expedite system design for faster time-to-market. The module also features a single package that includes an adaptive ON-time control architecture, an inductor, a DC-to-DC controller, power MOSFETS, and a bootstrap diode and capacitor. Get the full details and learn more about the features and benefits of the MIC45205 module in this Analog Spotlight selection from the Microchip Technology Analog Monthly Newsletter.


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