The Performance Advantage of MEMS Switch Technology from Analog Devices

Analog Devices (ADI) has been researching and developing microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) switch technology since 1990 and now has a state-of-the-art MEMS switch fabrication facility to further their efforts in reliable high-performance MEMS products. Now, ADI is answering the need to the challenge of mass producing a reliable, high-performance, small form factor MEMS switch to replace traditional electromechanical relays.

The MEMS switch technology from Analog Devices offers a performance advantage for a wide variety of applications and equipment types. With the ability to route 0 Hz/dc to 100s of GHz signals reliably with minimal losses, deliver world class RF switch performance, offer orders of magnitude cycle lifetime improvements over relays, very low power requirements, and excellent linearity, ADI’s MEMS technology can be used in defense systems applications, healthcare equipment, electrical test and measurement systems and more.

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