Ultraleap Products Overview

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We interviewed Charlie Alexander from Ultraleap (previously Ultrahaptics) to better understand their line of innovative, industry-leading products.

This innovative company has created a suit of products that use ultrasonic transducers to project and recreate tactile sensations onto your hand, without the need to wear haptic gloves or use hand-held game controllers.

This elegant technology is a ‘must have’ for immersive applications and futuristic HMI. Developers are able to create their own shapes, sensations, and actions using these products. Notably, Ultraleap's solutions enhance gesture control, making the user experience more engaging and immersive regardless of the end application.


Featured Ultraleap Products

The TOUCH Development Kit is the first-generation development kit from Ultraleap. Featuring 196 ultrasonic transducers operating at 400Hz, this kit enables users to create simple haptic sensations such as button clicks, presence alerts and warnings at distances of up to 50cm.

See related product

TOUCH Development Kit (UHDK5)

Ultraleap Sensor Development Boards and Kits View

The STRATOS Explore Development Kit is the high-end development kit offered by Ultraleap. It features 256 ultrasonic transducers operating at 40kHz which allow users to create robust and complex haptic sensations at distances up to 70cm. This development kit is ideal for developers interesting in prototyping and designing a custom version of STRATOS technology.

The STRATOS Inspire is a fully-enclosed and certified end-product that can bring haptic sensations to applications such as public installations and demonstrations. This kit even features a Unity® plugin to allow users to create digital experiences of their own liking.

Ultraleap products helped tell the Arrow Electronics story to visitors at our booth at CES 2019. To learn more about Ultraleap, Arrow and CES, click here.



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