Arrow MultiSolution Day UK





It is with great pleasure that Arrow Electronics invite you and your company to attend the Arrow Multi-solutions Day scheduled for March 21st at the Coventry Building Society ARENA.

As a leader in the semiconductor industry, your participation is vital in making this event a hub for innovation and collaboration.
This exhibition marks the beginning of what we aspire to be the largest electronics technology event in the UK and Ireland, attended by more than 40 leading technology manufacturers.
It will be a day filled with content and collaboration, dedicated to key market developments and trends where suppliers will showcase their latest products and solutions.
Throughout the day, we will be running keynote technical seminars which will allow you to broaden your knowledge of new technologies. Follow us on LinkedIn to find out more.

... and many more...

Thursday, March 21st, 2024
09:00 - 17:00

Coventry Building Society ARENA
Judds Ln
Coventry CV6 6GE
United Kingdom



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