Designing Hands-Free Speech Processing Systems with NXP and Amazon Alexa


Your $99 registration includes hands-on training, lunch and the SYNAPTICSNXP2MICAVS kit ($400 retail value)



Build a hands-free voice-initiated prototype with the Alexa Voice Service(AVS). AVS enables integration of Alexa directly into your product. The Amazon developer-led workshop will cover the basics of AVS, the AVS API and client architecture, client hardware with NXP’s i.MX7D processor, and audio front-end design with Synaptics AudioSmart™ 2-mic Development Kit. At the end of this workshop, you will walk out with a working Alexa-enabled development kit.

 Workshop Agenda
 10:00  Registration
 10:15  Overview of Amazon Alexa
 11:00  Introduction to NXP's i.MX7D processor and the Synaptics AudioSmart 2-mic Development Kit
 11:20  Software Installation
 11:30  Lunch
 12:00-2:00  Lab

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