How to Achieve Trusted Wireless Charging Webinar

An increasing number of products support wireless charging – driven by ease of use and convenience. During this webinar, attendees will learn how the WPC (Wireless Power Consortium) promotes compatibility and safety, and how Infineon’s OPTIGA™ Trust Charge provides secured authentication for wireless charging according to the new Qi 1.3 standard.

Key Takeaways

  •  Learn why authentication is important for wireless charging
  •  Understand the requirements of the WPC Qi 1.3 standard
  •  Find out how Infineon's OPTIGA™ Trust Charge supports WPC requirements, giving you a comprehensive authentication solution
  •  Understand how you can be part of the WPC Qi ecosystem and get your own personalized OPTIGA™ Trust Charge


Kerstin Wilde
Product Manager Device Authentication | Infineon Technologies

Kerstin Wilde has 10 years of experience in the semiconductor industry. Over the last seven years, she has focused on G2M for security products. Kerstin is product manager, responsible for device authentication products, including OPTIGA™ Trust Charge. Kerstin holds a degree in business administration from the university of Mannheim.

Ingo Liersch
Product Marketing Manager Device Authentication & Application Marketing Manager Wireless Charging | Infineon Technologies

Ingo Liersch has been in the smart security industry for 20 years. He joined Infineon in 2014, responsible for device authentication solutions - Qi authentication in particular. Prior to Infineon, he worked at G&D (from 2001 onwards), where he was product manager for embedded software and ID cards, going on to hold various management positions in embedded security. Ingo holds a degree in electrical engineering and in industrial engineering.

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Date: Thursday, July 29, 2021
Time: 9:00am EDT | 6:00am PDT | 3:00pm CEST

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