Silicon Labs Hands-On Virtual Bluetooth Workshop

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Develop a Secure IoT Device on a Thunderboard Kit.

Learn how to develop and deploy ultra-low-power, secure Bluetooth connectivity with the new EFR32BG22 SoC. Join Silicon Labs’ interactive online workshop for hands-on technical training and live support as you follow along with your own BG22 Thunderboard, available to all registrants.

Now supporting Simplicity Studio 5.

What You’ll Learn About the BG22

- How it extends battery life for up to 10 years
- Built-in security that helps protect end nodes throughout their shelf life
- How it supports Bluetooth 5.2, mesh 1.0, and direction finding
- The out-of-box Bluetooth capabilities of the BG22 Thunderboard
- How to modify Bluetooth software to optimize energy efficiency*
- How to implement a secure OTA for in-field product updates*

*Topics covered in subsequent online self-paced sessions 2 and 3.

What You’ll Experience

- Regional technical training hosted by Silicon Labs wireless developers
- Live Q&A available throughout all workshop sessions
-Dedicated technical support rooms for one-on-one troubleshooting with experts from Arrow Electronics


- BG22 Overview - 30 minutes
- Out-of-the-Box Getting Started Lab - 60 minutes


AMER - Session 1
May 20th, 11:00 AM CDT

AMER - Session 2
May 27st, 11:00 AM CDT

EMEA - Session 1
May 20th, 10:00 AM CET

EMEA - Session 2
May 27th, 10:00 AM CET


Upcoming Events

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