Analog Devices Intel® Arria® 10 SoC Training Modules

Arrow and its partner network are harnessing the power of high-end FPGAs to enable the use of wireless transceivers from Analog Devices for the electronic test and measurement, wireless communications, and software defined radio spaces.

Watch these free training sessions for a walk through on the quick start setup, SW framework, and design resources available.

Featuring Intel® Arria® 10 SoC and Analog Devices ADRV9009

This session focuses on how to get up and running with Analog Devices’ ADRV9009 and Critical Link MitySOM A10S development kit. 

The ADRV9009 is a highly integrated, radio frequency (RF) agile transceiver offering dual transmitters and receivers, integrated synthesizers, and digital signal processing functions, well suited for applications requiring a combination of high performance and low power consumption. The MitySOM A10S is a production ready System on Module solution designed for a wide range of embedded applications where JESD interface support is required. 

Featuring Intel® Arria® 10 SoC and Analog Devices AD9375

This session focuses on how to get up and running with Analog Devices’ ADRV9375 and Critical Link MitySOM A10S development kit.

The ADRV9375 features the Analog Devices AD9375, the first wideband RF transceiver with integrated DPD targeting 3G/4G small cell and massive MIMO. The MitySOM A10S is a production ready System on Module solution designed for a wide range of industrial embedded applications, capable of supporting the high-speed JESD data rates required by the ADRV9375. 

Featuring Intel® Arria® 10 SoC and Analog Devices AD-FMCDAQ2

This session focuses on how to get up and running with Analog Devices’ AD-FMCDAQ2 and iWave Rainbow A10 SOC development kit. 

The AD-FMCDAQ2 is a completely self-contained data acquisition and signal synthesis prototyping platform providing two channels of 1.0 GSPS A/D conversion and four channels of 2.8 GSPS D/A conversion, both with JESD204B high-speed serial data interface. The iWave Rainbow is a production ready System on Module featuring Intel PSG Arria10 SOC designed for a wide range of industrial applications requiring high speed JESD interface support.



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