STEVAL-IHM038V1, BLDC Ceiling Fan Controller Evaluation Board based on the STM32 and SLLIMM-Nano

STMicroelectronics이 부품 STGIPN3H60 을 사용하는 참조 설계


  • 응용 프로그램 카테고리
    Motor Control
  • 제품 유형
    Fan Motor Control

최종 제품의 경우

  • Fan Controller


  • STEVAL-IHM038V1, Evaluation Board implements a BLDC/PMSM fan controller board which is based on the SLLIMM-Nano (small low-loss intelligent molded module) STGIPN3H60 and STM32F100C6T6B microcontroller. The STEVAL-IHM038V1 incorporates a complete inverter stage and a control stage to drive a 3-phase BLDC fan motor with a power range of 30 to 35 W with FOC (field oriented control) sensorless mode for the ceiling fan applications. For power factor correction, a passive PFC stage is implemented to achieve a power factor up to 0.90, which is the minimum recommended for ceiling fan applications, particularly for the Indian market. The control part includes field oriented control with sensorless control algorithm, fault detection and speed setting via remote control (IR receiver), all handled by the STM32F100C6T6B microcontroller from ARM Cortex-M3 core-based low density STM32 MCU family

최종 제품의 경우

  • Motor Type
    DC Motor

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