Honeywell Magnetic Sensor Solutions

Discover Honeywell’s Magnetic Sensor Portfolio including Hall-effect and Anisotropic Magneto-Resistive (AMR) sensor ICs.

Our high-speed, extended life sensors are directly compatible with electronic circuits, responding to the presence or the interruption of a magnetic field by producing a proportional output.

Our line of magnetic sensors includes Linear, Angle, Position, Speed and Direction sensor ICs. In addition to our Value-Added packages.

Our magnetic sensors are endorsed by major industrial and medical OEMs to provide enhanced accuracy, sensitivity, reliability, and long-term stability, in addition to our:

   • 50 years’ experience in magnetic sensor manufacturing
   • Dedicated Wafer fabrication facility providing independent supply
   • Tailored engineering services

Magnetic Sensor Solutions Brochure

Magnetic Sensor IC Product Line Card

Position Sensors - Product Range Guide


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