Transformative Technologies in the Test, Measurement, and Production Line Equipment Industries

Read this white paper to learn about major challenges and the transformative technologies for engineering managers and design engineers building products for test, measurement, and production line equipment.

The dramatic growth in the test, measurement, and production line equipment industries is challenging businesses to deliver a great operator experience, improved safety and security, and lower operating costs, while improving operational efficiency. These challenges can be addressed through three transformative technologies: HMI, communications, and controls.

Design teams can evaluate the tradeoffs between three levels of technology ingredients – modules, silicon and tools, and silicon and software – to access these transformative technologies to meet their design and business objectives, including flexibility, development cost, sustaining engineering cost, scalability, and product cost. The results will include optimized throughput, predictive downtime, improved operator safety, and reduced liability. The primary decision to make is the level of integration for transforming your next building automation and control industry equipment design.

In this white paper from Renesas – geared toward engineering managers and design engineers building products for test, measurement, and production line equipment – we explore major challenges and the transformative technologies addressing focus areas such as operator enhancing interfaces, cloud and mesh connected devices, and enhanced controls such as e-AI (embedded Artificial Intelligence).


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