EVAL-L9907-H, Evaluation Board for L9907 Highly Integrated 3-Phase BLDC Motors Pre-Driver with Integrated Op-Amp, Inductive Booster for System Operation from 6V up to 54V

使用 STMicroelectronics 的 L9907 的参考设计


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  • EVAL-L9907-H, Evaluation Board is designed to provide the user with a platform for evaluation of the L9907 device. The Board provides all the main input/output capabilities necessary to drive a BLCD motor and provide also diagnostic functionalities. L9907 is fully integrated 3-phase pre-driver with integrated booster capable to drive all kind of Power MOS transistors in 3-phase BLDC motor applications up to 54V. The integrated boost regulator provides sufficient gate charge to driver Power MOS down to 6V. The circuit is suitable to operate in environments with high supply voltage such as double battery in 48V systems. L9907 is able to control independently the six pre-driver channels to implement all kind of electric motor control strategies, with the possibility to select among 4 gate output current levels while the application is running


  • Motor Type
    DC Motor


