Analog Devices' Webinar: Montecarlo and worst case electronic circuit analysis with LTspice


OnDemand Webinar | (Dated: Wednesday, December 20, 2023)

Duration: 1 hour

We will learn how to do an electronic circuit analysis when considering the tolerance of passive components. What changes to the circuit behaviour can be expected when passive components vary in their specified tolerance. This analysis is called: Montecarlo Analysis. Additionally we learn, how to do a worst case analysis, where all the components considered vary to the maximum tolerance value only.

Who should attend:

Electronic designers working on analog signal chains using Operational Amplifiers (OPAMPs), Transistors, MOSFETs. All markets where analog electronic design is used.

Attendees will also learn about:

  • Circuit Simulation, varying component values randomly, Analysing the result



Johannes Horvath | Field Application Engineer | Analog Devices

Graduated 1981 From Technical Institute for Telecommunication and Electronics in Austria. Designer for fibermeasurement instruments and Videocameras. Joining Analog Devices Austria as FSE in 1988. 1993 Field Application Engineer for Austria, Eastern Europe and Russia. 2013-2017 Strategic Technical Business Development Engineer, in 16 countries of Eastern Europe. Since 2018 SME for Training and Education in Europe and Russia. In addition since 2022 joining the Broad Market Team as SME/FAE focusing on high precision signal chains, RF, PCB layout and circuit simulation in entire Europe. Hobbies: Amateur Radio (OE1JHB), Antenna Design, Mountainbiking, Sailing.

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