Designing your System Power Solution using LTspice XVII

Date: November 19th, 2020
Time: 10am (CEST)
Language: French

Arrow and Analog Devices are pleased to invite you to our next LTspice® Webinar.
This Webinar will be a mix of presentations and demonstrations on the main  LTspice® functionalities.
This is an excellent opportunity to gain the knowledges to simulate a circuit and to predict its behavior for a faster, more efficient system power design.

1. Introducing LTspice XVII                                                        
        Demonstration drafting
         SMPS example
         Efficiency and Power Dissipation
         Parametric Simulation
2. Selfs and Transformers simulation with Chan models  
3. Importing third-party models                                            

Language : French

David Kerharo, Gilbert Ha et Didier Gerard
Dedicated Field Application Engineers –  Arrow France

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