Check out how the new lineup of IsoMOV™ hybrid overvoltage surge protectors from Bourns® have been able to secure the 2021 Electronic Products Passives Product of the Year Award by making a breakthrough in solving the problem of MOV degradation
Line voltage stresses, lightning strikes, switching transients and other factors contribute to the gradual degradation of MOVs – a process that previously seemed quasi-inevitable. Now, it can be tackled with a new, hybrid design concept launched by Bourns®. By incorporating a fully integrated gas discharge tube (GDT) into the classic MOV design, hybrid MOVs are created that offer identical performance in smaller dimensions and also significantly increase the life span, making the award-winning IsoMOV™ protectors the ideal solution for demanding industrial conditions.
• Space-saving form factor
• Ultra-low leakage current
• Lower clamping voltage
• Isolation GDT extends MOV life
• Passes ring-wave requirement
• State-of-the-art surge rating
• Graceful end-of-life failure mode
IsoMOV™ Hybrid Protectors
• Hybrid design using Bourns' patented FLAT® technology
• Standard 14 mm & 20 mm sizes
• Matched GDT-MOV pairings
• UL 1449 4th edition Type-5 component