Vishay Opto VCNL4100

Introducing VCNL4100, a fully integrated sensor from Vishay. Part of their Light to Digital portfolio, this long-distance, integrated proximity and ambient light sensor can sense objects up to 1 meter away. A cost-effective option, this sensor is surprisingly small in size. Learn about the specifics of VCNL4100 and find out what sets it apart.

The VCNL4100 can sense objects up to 1 meter away.  It is a fully integrated sensor which includes an infrared emitter, proximity detector, ambient light sensor, signal conditioning IC, and I2C interface.  It offers programmable high and low threshold interrupts, a built-in background light cancellation scheme, and Filtron™ technology for ambient light sensing close the human eye.  Display control for home appliances, light controls, robot and drone collision detection, gaming attract mode. .  .

S: So, who are you, and why are we here?

A: Let me introduce myself, Mr. Engineer. I am the Arrow Electronics Guy, and I have something interesting to show you.

S: Oh great, so it’s a sales pitch.

A: It’s more like a friendly, informative chat.  

S: Sure.

A: So check this’s the VCNL4100 from Vishay Opto.

S: Cool part number but it tells me nothing about what it actually is.

A: Well, it’s a long-distance, integrated proximity and ambient light sensor

S:  What makes it integrated?

A:  The VCNL4100 includes an infrared emitter, proximity detector, ambient light sensor, signal conditioning IC, and I2C interface.  It is part of their Light To Digital portfolio

S:  All that in one sensor, it has to be big.

A:  Actually it is only 1.8 mm in height and measures 3 mm in width and 8.0 mm in length

S:  Smaller than I would think.  That “long distance” is kind of vague.  How long?

A:  Up to 1 meter depending on the reflective medium.

S:  Is this one of those time of flight sensors like they use in high cost drones?

A:  No, this is far more cost effective.  It provide relative proximity sensing, not an exact range.  In most applications that is sufficient.

S:  Cost effective, you mean less expensive right?

A: Yes, much less expensive. And to top it all off, the device also has an ambient light sensor.

S: Ok, this sounds legit. I imagine that could come in handy for turning on the display in my refrigerator and thermostat as I approach it.  It could also keep the display dim when I am going for that late night snack.  Now if it could control the intensity of the light in the refrigerator.

A:  It could.

S: Cool, I’m sold. Thanks.

A: It also has an I2C interface for setting upper and lower thresholds and other programming functions!!!!!

S: I said I’M SOLD.

A: So would you like me to get you a quote on the VCNL4100?

S:  I thought this wasn’t a sales pitch.

A: Just a friendly, informative conversation.

S: Okay, sure. Why not.

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