The AnalogMAX Series

Rapid Prototyping and Product Development Platforms

These boards feature high-performance sensing and analog signal chain technologies from Analog Devices and the non-volatile low-cost Intel MAX 10 FPGA. Rapid development and testing enabled by an out-of-the-box experience that includes Jupyter notebook demos with Python code.

AnalogMAX Series: Flexible Development Platforms

Includes High-Performance Sensing and Signal-Chain Components from Analog Devices and the Intel® MAX® 10 FPGA.

Introducing AnalogMAX-DAQ1 & AnalogMAX-DAQ2

A high-performance, high-accuracy data acquisition platform that meets power, footprint, and reliability requirements of measurement instruments in industrial, medical, and scientific applications. 


Introducing the AnalogMAX-DAQ3

A low-cost, programmable, high-accuracy 18-bit data acquisition rapid prototyping platform that meets power, footprint, and reliability requirements of measurement instruments in ATE, medical equipment, precision DAQ systems, and battery-powered equipment applications.


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