Intel Leading Edge Programmable Solutions

Intel® FPGAs offer a wide variety of configurable embedded SRAM, high-speed transceivers, high-speed I/Os, logic blocks, and routing. Built-in intellectual property (IP) combined with outstanding software tools lower FPGA development time, power, and cost.

Intel helps innovators develop unique solutions on a global level, allowing them to imagine and create the solutions that will enhance our world. In addition to being the world’s largest manufacturer of semiconductors, the company is taking innovative strides in cloud computing, data centers, Internet of Things, and PC solutions, helping to build a smarter and more connected digital world. Intel also offers FPGAs, SoCs, CPLDs, and Power Solutions, to provide high-value solutions to customers worldwide.

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Leading Edge: Intel Manufactured FPGAs and Structured ASICs

The Intel Programmable Solutions Group’s “Leading Edge” Vision & Strategy focused on product leadership, a resilient supply chain including Intel-manufactured FPGAs, and a best-in-class developer experience can help you reliably deliver products and solutions to your customers.

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