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Deploy reliable, high-quality communication with Murata RF modules.

Arrow’s customers have access to Murata’s vast portfolio of over one trillion products manufactured annually. Murata, Innovator in Electronics, provides solutions that include a collection of sensors, connectivity modules, capacitors, connectors, inductors, ionizers, EMI suppression filters, phase shifter, power products, resistors. RFID products, thermistors, batteries, timing devices and many more.

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Why Murata?

Thousands of customers across the globe are buying over a trillion parts annually from Murata. Murata began in 1944, when Akira Murata opened a small factory in the center of Kyoto City starting with the production of titanium-oxide ceramic capacitors. Murata has been a leader in the evolution of electronic component technology, from digitalization, miniaturization, wireless technology, connectivity to vehicle electrification. The future relies on relies on Murata.

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