60 dB Wide Dynamic Range, Low Frequency AGC Circuit Using a Single VGA

Reference Design using part AD8336 by Analog Devices


Analog Devices
  • Application Category
    Amplifiers and Comparators
  • Product Type
    Analog Amplification

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For End Products

  • Audio Amplifier
  • Communications and Telecom


  • 60 dB Wide Dynamic Range, Low Frequency AGC Circuit Using a Single VGA. This application describes a low frequency AGC circuit using a wide dynamic range AD8336 VGA as the gain control element, an AD736 rms-to-dc converter as the detector, a low cost rail-to-rail AD8551 Op-Amp and an ADP3339 LDO as the reference

Key Features

  • Gain
    60 dB
  • Number of Supplies
  • Supply Voltage
    ±15 V

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