AD641-EB, Evaluation Board using AD641, 250 MHz logarithmic amplifier, high frequency DC-coupled demodulating

Reference Design using part AD641 by Analog Devices


Analog Devices
  • Application Category
    Amplifiers and Comparators
  • Product Type
    Analog Amplification

For End Products

  • Radar and Sonar
  • Signal/Waveform Generator


  • AD641-EB, Evaluation Board using AD641, 250 MHz logarithmic amplifier, high frequency DC-coupled demodulating. There are essentially four basic ways to configure the AD641EB. These include using one AD641 or two, either with or without the input attenuator. Among these four there are several techniques for offset nulling. This configuration is chosen to give maximum functionality from the onset. The configuration highlights two AD641s cascaded with an inductor at the interstate for offset nulling and no input attenuation used

Key Features

  • Gain
    100 dB
  • Number of Supplies
  • Supply Voltage
    5 V

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