AD8333-EVAL, Evaluation Board based on AD8333 50-MHz I/Q Demodulator

Reference Design using part AD8333ACPZ-WP by Analog Devices


Analog Devices
  • Application Category
    Wireless Communication
  • Product Type

For End Products

  • Communication Receiver
  • Medical Imaging
  • Radar System
  • Smart Antenna System


  • AD8333-EVAL, Evaluation Board enables the user to quickly become familiar with the operating characteristics and features of the AD8333 dual I/Q demodulator and phase shifter. Jumpers provide a convenient means for exercising the user selectable features of the AD8333. The board is tested prior to shipment and shipped with the phase-encoding bits set to 0000 (no phase shift) for both channels. The LNA is set up for a 50 Ohm source and the VGA sections of the AD8332 are disabled. Test points are provided along the signal path to facilitate signal tracing

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