ADP5080CB-1EVALZ, Evaluation Board for Operating the ADP5080 High Efficiency, 6-Channel PMU

Reference Design using part ADP5080ACBZ-1-RL by Analog Devices


Analog Devices
  • Application Category
    Measurement and Monitoring
  • Product Type
    Power Management

For End Products

  • Power Management System


  • ADP5080CB-1EVALZ, Evaluation Board is a complete multi cell input, 6+ channel output, power management solution that allows users to evaluate the performance and functionality of the ADP5080. The evaluation board can operate as a standalone unit with the default settings. Combined with the GUI software and USB to I2C interface, the ADP5080CB-1-EVALZ evaluation board allows complete programmability of all channels, including the output voltage, switching frequency, startup sequence and fault protection. The ADP5080 is a highly integrated PMU with internal synchronous FETs on all channels, internal compensation and an integrated drive voltage charge pump. The switching frequency is set to 1 MHz for all channels, and is programmable from 750 kHz to 2 MHz via I2C. Switching can also be synchronized to an external clock

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