ADZS-BF548-EZLITE, ADSP-BF548 EZ-KIT Lite Evaluation System based on Blackfin Digital Signal Processors (DSPs)

Reference Design using part ADSP-BF548 by Analog Devices


Analog Devices
  • Application Category
    Embedded System
  • Product Type
    Application Processor

For End Products

  • Audio Processing
  • Communications & Networking
  • Environmental
  • Video Processing


  • ADZS-BF548-EZLITE, ADSP-BF548 EZ-KIT Lite Evaluation System for the Blackfin processors. Blackfin processor family embodies a new type of embedded processor designed specifically to meet the computational demands and power constraints of today's embedded audio, video, and communications applications. They deliver breakthrough signal-processing performance and power efficiency within a reduced instruction set computing (RISC) programming model. Blackfin processors support a media instruction set computing (MISC) architecture. This architecture is the natural merging of RISC, media functions, and digital signal processing (DSP) characteristics. Blackfin processors deliver signal-processing performance in a microprocessor-like environment

Key Features

  • Embedded System Type
  • Family Name
  • Platform
    EZ-KIT Lite

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