DIGITAL-HID-BALLAST, Digital High Intensity Discharge (HID) Ballast Reference Design

Reference Design using part MCP1407ESN by Microchip Technology


Microchip Technology
  • Application Category
  • Product Type
    Electronic Ballast Lamp Driver

For End Products

  • Automotive HID lighting Ballast


  • DIGITAL-HID-BALLAST, Digital High Intensity Discharge (HID) Ballast Reference Design showcases the benefits digital control can bring to an HID ballast. HID ballasts must go through the complicated process of igniting the HID bulb and then transitioning it into steady state operation. Typically HID ballasts require a large set of analog controllers to properly control the HID lamp. However, using digital control techniques a single dsPIC device is able to control the entire HID ballast, reducing the ballast's components and costs. Digital HID Ballast Reference Design is designed to interface to a standard automotive HID lamp. The reference design uses 9-16VDC and outputs 35W of steady state power and reaches an efficiency of over 85%. To handle changes in the input voltage and current, the reference design implements under voltage, over voltage and over current protection

Key Features

  • Input Voltage
    9 to 16 V
  • Output Power
    35 W
  • Number of Derived Elements

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