EVAL-ADuM4135EBZ, Evaluation Board for the ADuM4135 iCoupler, Single/Dual-Supply, High Voltage Isolated IGBT Gate Driver with Miller Clamp

Reference Design using part ADuM4135RWZ by Analog Devices


Analog Devices
  • Application Category
  • Product Type
    Isolated Gate Drivers

For End Products

  • Motor Driver
  • Power Supplies


  • EVAL-ADuM4135EBZ, Evaluation Board supports the ADuM4135 is a single channel gate driver specifically optimized for driving IGBTs. iCoupler technology provides isolation between the input signal and the output gate drive. The ADuM4135 provides a miller clamp in order to provide robust IGBT turn-off with a single rail supply once the gate voltage drops below 2V. Operation with unipolar or bipolar secondary supplies is possible, with or without the miller clamp operation. The chip-scale transformers also provide isolated communication of control information between the high voltage and low voltage domains of the chip. Information on the status of the chip may be read back from dedicated outputs

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