HANI-IOT, HMI Arrow NXP IoT Development Board for Smart Sensors and Gateways

Reference Design using part LPC54618J512BD208 by Arrow Development Tools


Arrow Development Tools
  • Application Category
    Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Product Type
    Wireless Connectivity

For End Products

  • IoT Applications
  • IoT Edge Nodes


  • HANI-IOT, HANI (HMI Arrow NXP IoT) development board from Arrow Electronics is designed for IoT node applications where sophisticated user interfaces are required. With the HANI-LCD it combines support for up to 7-inch color displays, multi-protocol wireless connectivity, and a rich set of sensors for smart, connected devices that allow simple, direct user interaction including gesture control. The board is well suited for developing gateways or smart sensors for consumer, industrial or medical use cases and focuses on color HMI (Human Machine Interface) development-supporting multiple display sizes and connectivity. On-board sensors not only provide context awareness, but also include bio-compatible precision pressure sensor suitable for medical devices like CPAP equipment, spirometers, inhalers or oxygen concentrators

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