MAX86140EVSYS#, Evaluation System for MAX86141 Best-in-Class Optical Pulse Oximeter and Heart-Rate Sensor for Wearable Health

Reference Design using part MAX86141 by Analog Devices


Analog Devices
  • Application Category
    Sensors and Transducers
  • Product Type

For End Products

  • Heart Rate Monitoring
  • Pulse Oximeter


  • MAX86140EVSYS#, Evaluation System (EVSYS) allows for the quick evaluation of the MAX86141 optical AFE for applications at various sites on the body, particularly the wrist. The MAX86141 supports standard SPI compatible interface. The MAX86141 has two optical readout channels that operate simultaneously. The EVSYS allows flexible configurations to optimize measurement signal quality at minimal power consumption. The EVSYS helps the user quickly learn about how to configure and use the MAX86141. The EVSYS consists of three boards. MAXSensor BLEEK# is the main data acquisition board while MAX86140OSBEK# and MAX86141OSBEK# are the sensor daughter boards for MAX86140 and MAX86141 respectively. The EVSYS can be powered using the USB-C supply or LiPo Battery

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