NB3W800LMNGEVB, Evaluation Board for NB3W800L 3.3V, 100/133 MHz Differential 1:8 HCSL Compatible Push-Pull Clock ZDB/Fan-out Buffer for PCIe

Reference Design using part NB3W800LMN by onsemi


  • Application Category
    Clock and Timing
  • Product Type
    Clock Buffer


  • NB3W800LMNGEVB, Evaluation Board is designed to effectively evaluate the NB3W800L which is a low-power 8-output differential buffer that meets all the performance requirements of the DB800ZL specification. The NB3W800L is capable of distributing the reference clocks for Intel QuickPath Interconnect (Intel QPI), PCIe Gen1/Gen2/Gen3, SAS, SATA and Intel Scalable Memory Interconnect (Intel SMI) applications. A fixed, internal feedback path maintains low drift for critical QPI applications

Key Features

  • Operating Frequency
    100 to 133 MHz

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