NCV7052XGEVK, NCV7052X Micro Stepping Motor Driver Evaluation Kit

Reference Design using part AMIS42665 by onsemi


  • Application Category
  • Product Type
    CAN Controller

For End Products

  • Automotive and Transportation


  • NCV7052XGEVK, Evaluation Kit contains all necessary hardware and software needed to control the NCV7052x Micro-Stepping motor driver from your PC. The user-friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI) makes it possible to operate the evaluation kit in an easy way. Several GUI modes are provided making it easy-to-use for the first-time user but still very flexible for the more experienced one. To demonstrate how NCV7052x can be used in a real life application, a microcontroller is foreseen on the motherboard. The GUI will guide you through the complete process which makes the evaluation kit the ideal learning tool. The provided motherboard gives a lot of flexibility during your development process

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